Search for tag: "Shared Success"

Title 101 - Agent

From  Andrew Herbert 785 plays 0  

Generations @ Work 01.12.18

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about multiple generations collaborating with each other in the workplace. As a result, our Shared Success team decided to do some research to find ways of…

From 334 plays 0  

How to Talk About Owner's Title Insurance 11.09.17

How many times have you heard these objections from clients when it comes to purchasing an owner’s policy? “Since my lender requires a title insurance policy, is it really…

From 1,312 plays 0  

ALTA Commitment Jacket 10.05.17

Review a few highlights of the new ALTA Title Commitment Jacket and learn what some agents are doing to reflect the changes. If your operation does not routinely send the commitment jacket, you may…

From 525 plays 0  

Cyber Issues "Becoming a Harder Target" 09.14.17

Recently, the CFPB published a headline, "Buying a Home? Watch out for mortgage closing scams". What can you do to become a "harder target" for these criminals to lessen your…

From 95 plays 0  

Generational Selling 07.13.17

Each generation has differing communication styles, technology comfort levels, values, and beliefs. Understanding and overcoming generational gaps plays a significant role in business and marketing…

From 114 plays 0  

Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) 06.08.17

What is FIRPTA? Where can I find more information about it? What are the rules? Who is responsible? If you or your clients have asked one or more of these questions, then this webinar is for you. In…

From 591 plays 0  

Updated ALTA Commitment Jacket 10.05.17

Review a few highlights of the new ALTA Title Commitment Jacket and learn what some agents are doing to reflect the changes. If your operation does not routinely send the commitment jacket, you may…

From 1,122 plays 0  

Cybercrime: It Wont Happen to Me

If cybercrime has happened to you, you are not alone. If you think it can't happen to you, think again – it is happening now more than ever to agencies and law firms of all sizes across…

From 146 plays 0  

Growing Your Business with Facebook & LinkedIn 05.11.17

You may have heard that many people use Facebook and LinkedIn for sales and marketing purposes, but you haven't had the time to figure out how to do it yourself. Or perhaps you are one of many…

From 182 plays 0  

Technology Changing the Way We Close and Record 04.13.17

The title industry is heading in the direction of more technology and less paper. This means that we are inching toward e-recordings, e-closings and, well...e-everything. This webinar covers the…

From 101 plays 0